Friday, February 09, 2007

Agloco Viewbar

Agoloco Viewbar will be release by 2-4 weeks or about first week of March 2007 according with the information in the Agloco main website. What is Agloco Viewbar?
The Viewbar™ is a small toolbar that rests on the bottom of your screen or browser window while you surf the Internet. The Viewbar™ software is what enables AGLOCO to collect the money you are earning while browsing the Internet.
The Viewbar™ keeps track of your online interests and preferences, and uses that information to deliver the most valuable message to you at the right time. Because privacy is a core principle of AGLOCO, the Viewbar™ communicates with our secure servers in an encrypted fashion to keep your information private.

Some people have asked: “Is the Viewbar™ some kind of ‘spyware’?” The answer is simple: The Viewbar™ is the opposite of spyware. Spyware sneaks onto your computer without your knowledge or permission, it steals your private information, and it’s nearly impossible to remove. Unlike spyware, the Viewbar™ is completely permission based, it keeps your information private, and you can always turn it off with a single click.

The AGLOCO Viewbar™ (currently in limited beta) is shown

In your computer screen will be show like picture below :

So, before the viewbar release you have to make the large Your AGLOCO NETWORK.

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